It is more important to click with people than to click the shutter.Alfred Eisenstaedt

Photographer and writer specialised in portraiture • Taking portraits | Talking portraits
It is more important to click with people than to click the shutter.Alfred Eisenstaedt
Can a portrait be taken with a typewriter? Such question sprang to my mind when, in Waterstones’ London bookshop in Piccadilly (on a display table aptly named “Typographical titillation”), I came across a delightful book by Marvin and Ruth Sackner, “The art of typewriting” (Thames & Hudson).
Read MoreThere is definitely something morbid about our fascination with police mugshots – the outcome of what is easily the most uncomfortable of all portrait sessions.
Read MoreThe young man says just two words – “photo, please!”. But they mean a lot, to him and to his family.
Read MoreA portrait isn't a fact but an opinion - an occasion rather than a truth.Richard Avedon