Sometimes it’s good to break free from the four walls of my studio and use Manchester as the perfect background for my portrait photography productions.

Matt Ah-Kan (by Rino Pucci)
Matt Ah-Kan | Detroit Bridge, Manchester Ship Canal

I am very much in love with this young/old, rough-around-the-edge, diverse, global, inclusive city – although, as something of a newcomer, I still have to discover most of it.

That’s why I have recently started a new series of urban portraits called “When in Manchester”. For now, it’s a portfolio project, which is being shared on Instagram, but if it gains momentum, as I hope, it would be good to make something bigger out of it. Yes, I am talking about a book and an exhibition – it’s very early days, but let’s dream big!

Beatriz González | Sackville Gardens

I am currently on the look for proud Mancunians who are willing to be a part of this project.

You don’t need to be born and bred here, as long as you call Manchester home.
I welcome people from all walks of life, of any age or gender or ethnicity. If you’re not very used to being photographed, it’s OK. It will be a nice experience, I promise. You only need to be yourself – and be up for a good chat!

ohnathon Galley
Johnathon Galley | Rochdale Canal Towpath (Ancoats)

Please get in touch:
– via email: hello [at] rinopucci [dot] com
– using the form on my Contact page;
– via social media: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter;
and I’ll tell you more. I look forward to hearing from you.

Eliza Țuțurman (by Rino Pucci)
Eliza Țuțurman | Northern Quarter

I’ll be updating this gallery when I have more images – so keep an eye out for more “When in Manchester” content being added.

Lacoste Brown
Lacoste Brown | Little Ancoats Street
Yiu Wai | Fletcher Moss Botanical Garden in Didsbury